Composition of Experts

The Composition of Experts External link (CoE) architecture is a system of multiple experts, where each expert is a fully trained machine learning model. It offers a single API endpoint that enables the orchestration of these domain-specific experts across various fields such as finance, legal, and engineering. CoE combines the strengths of large, monolithic models with the advantages of smaller, specialized models, resulting in a more balanced and efficient approach that mitigates the limitations of each. Instead of relying on a single, resource-intensive model, SambaNova’s Composition of Experts divides tasks into specialized subfields, each handled by a dedicated expert, resulting in more efficient and effective solutions. The CoE architecture runs on SambaNova’s SN40L External link.

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Features of CoE

  • Leverage diverse models from one endpoint: Utilize a single API endpoint to create knowledge-rich applications with a wide range of domain and task experts across different configurations and modalities (including text, code, and images). Leverage these experts and easily integrate them into your applications for practical use.

  • Customize and fine-tune models for specific tasks: Tailor CoE models with your own data for fine-tuning. This ensures the model aligns with your specific business requirements and enhances performance on targeted tasks.

  • Open source: CoE takes advantage of the latest open source models and eliminates concerns about data privacy and ownership.

  • Configurable access and permissions: CoE offers flexible access controls, allowing precise management of model permissions. Align permissions with organizational roles to enhance security and ensure compliance.

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