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Data scientists can use the GUI-based SambaStudio platform to train, deploy, and manage models.

  • SambaStudio provides customers with a GUI-based platform powered by SambaNova’s Datascale® hardware.

  • View the SambaStudio introduction, which provides an overview of the core GUI areas and platform components.


Developers use the developer stack, which includes predefined models and our Python API.


Administrators troubleshoot Runtime, the bridge between hardware and software. Administrators with access to the hardware perform other administration tasks.

SambaStudio documentation

  • SambaStudio. Learn how to use SambaStudio. SambaStudio is a rich, GUI-based platform that provides the functionality to train, deploy, and manage models.

  • SambaStudio Introduction. View the introduction to the SambaStudio platform, which provides an overview of the core GUI areas and platform components.

  • SambaStudio CLI Setup. Learn how to install and setup the packages required to access the SambaStudio platform via the SambaNova API (snapi) command-line client.

SambaFlow documentation

  • SambaFlow™ Software Development. Learn how to create models and use existing models with SambaFlow tools and the SambaFlow SDK.

  • SambaFlow Runtime. Learn how to monitor and manage the system service that give access to the SambaNova Reconfigurable Dataflow Unit (RDU) chips.

  • SambaTune. Learn how to run SambaTune and interpret the output. SambaTune supports profiling, debugging and tuning performance of applications running on SambaNova hardware.

DataScale hardware documentation