Get started with DataScale SN30 rack administration
This SambaNova DataScale® hardware administration document targets the SN30 version of the SambaNova DataScale rack.
This page gets you started:
Learn about SambaNova support, SambaNova documentation, and other resources.
Get an overview of the DataScale hardware and software stacks.
See the DataScale hardware installation documentation for details on hardware installation requirements and tasks. |
1. SambaNova support
SambaNova customers that have valid support contracts can contact support and obtain product support documentation through the SambaNova support portal at
2. SambaNova documentation
As part of hardware installation, you might need SambaNova documentation, SambaNova KBs, and third-party documentation.
SambaNova product documentation:
SambaNova knowledge base (KB) articles:
3. Third-party documentation
For operational issues with the third-party components in the DataScale SN30 rack, see the following vendor-specific product documentation. If you need additional support or have troubleshooting questions related to troubleshooting, open a support case through SambaNova Support. See KB article #1017, "SambaNova Systems Support Best Practices," at
Do not open a support case with the product vendor. |
Lantronix SLC8000 serial console server: -
Juniper EX series access switch: (EX 4300) (EX 4400) -
Juniper QFX5130 Ethernet high-bandwidth data switch (for the data network): -
Vertiv UU30010L (switched PDU): -
GIGABYTE® R282-Z93 (DataScale SN30-H BMC): -
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (DataScale SN30-H OS option): -
Ubuntu Linux Server (DataScale SN30-H OS option):
4. Overview of DataScale SN30 rack hardware
The DataScale SN30 is self-contained in a standard 42 rack unit (RU) datacenter rack. Different configurations are available for purchase, depending on customer requirements (including data center requirements). System population begins at the bottom of the rack with node 1 and increments up the rack. Network switches and other equipment are installed at the top of the rack.
A DataScale SN30 rack system consists of:
SN30-2 modules. Four DataScale SN30-2 RDU modules. Each DataScale SN30-2 module contains two Reconfigurable Data Units™ (RDUs), for a total of eight RDUs per DataScale SN30 rack system. The RDUs are managed by the SambaFlow software stack running on the host.
Host module. An x86-based DataScale SN30-H host module running either Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® or Ubuntu® Linux.
Both the DataScale SN30-2 RDU module and the DataScale SN30-H module are 2RU chassis.
Switch equipment at the top of the rack provides a data network and an access network by default. The following image and table identify the main components in the DataScale SN30 rack.

No. | Component |
1 |
System 1 SN30-8 (SN30-H) |
2 |
System 1 SN30-8 (four SN30-2) |
3 |
System 2 SN30-8 (SN30-H) |
4 |
System 2 SN30-8 (four SN30-2) |
5 |
Juniper® QFX5130 Ethernet (fan-side) |
6 |
Lantronix® serial console server (Juniper EX series switch behind) |
5. SambaNova DataScale software stack
The software stack consists of the following components:
Host module OS. At the bottom of the stack is the host module OS, either RHEL or Ubuntu.
SambaFlow SambaFlow™ is a software stack that is running on SambaNova systems. This stack includes
SambaFlow Runtime. Responsible for communication with the DataScale hardware including hardware initialization, error handling, resource management, and interfacing with userspace processes requesting hardware resources.
Compilers. Proprietary compilers make your models available to the DataScale hardware.
SambaFlow Python SDK which developers use to create and run models.
The SambaFlow software is installed and executed on the SN30-H host modules.
The SambaFlow documentation (SambaFlow SDK and SambaFlow Runtime) describe the software stack, model development, and deployment. See
5.1. DataScale SN30 host module OS
The DataScale SN30 rack includes two preinstalled OS (operating system) flavors that run on the DataScale SN30-H host module on each system:
The SN30-H host module supports the following OS versions:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5
Ubuntu Server 20.04.2 Long-Term Support (LTS)
Both images are preinstalled on each SN30-H host module. |
SambaNova provides updates for the OS images and updates for the software components through a repository that is described in Connecting to the SambaNova OS repository.
5.2. How to identify the SambaFlow software version
The command you run to identify the version of the SambaFlow software packages that are installed on the DataScale SN30-H host modules depends on the OS that is running on the module.
RHEL Identify the software version on RHEL:
# dnf list installed | grep samba[nf]
The command results in output that starts like the following (the exact output depends on the SambaFlow version you are using):
sambaflow.x86_64 1.12.7-15.el8 sambaflow-apps-datascale-image-unet.x86_64 1.12.7-15.el8 sambaflow-apps-starters-logreg.x86_64 1.12.7-15.el8 sambaflow-cpp.x86_64 1.12.7-15.el8 sambaflow-deps-capnproto.x86_64 0.8.0-1.el8 sambaflow-deps-isl.x86_64 0.22-1.el8 sambaflow-deps-pillow-simd.x86_64 7.2.0.post1-1.el8 sambaflow-deps-venv.x86_64 1.12.4-2.el8 sambaflow-exec.x86_64 1.12.7-15.el8 sambaflow-tools-llvm11.x86_64 11.0.0-3.rc1.el8 ...
Identify the software version on Ubuntu Linux:
# apt list --installed | grep samba[nf]
The command results in output that starts like the following:
sambaflow-apps-datascale-language-transformers/focal,focal,now 1.13.0-2207251206 amd64 sambaflow-apps-starters-logreg/focal,focal,now 1.13.0-2207251206 amd64 sambaflow-cpp/focal,now 1.12.4-2203291247 amd64 sambaflow-deps-capnproto/focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,now 0.8.0-1 amd64 sambaflow-deps-pillow-simd/focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,focal,now 7.2.0.post1-1 amd64 sambaflow-exec/focal,focal,now 1.13.0-2207251206 amd64 ...
6. Default username and passwords for components
The following table shows several components in the DataScale SN30 rack that have default passwords for users with administrative/root credentials. See Network administration for information on changing passwords for switches.
SambaNova highly recommends that you change these default passwords as soon as possible. |
Do not use a slash character in a password for an XRDU. Both forward slash (/) and backward slash (\) can cause problems. |
Component | Username | Default password |
Lantronix serial console server |
Juniper QFX5130 high-bandwidth Ethernet data switch |
Juniper EX series ccess switch |
DataScale SN30-2/XRDU BMC |
DataScale SN30-H BMC |
DataScale SN30-H OS |
DataScale SN30-H OS |
VertivTM PDU |
By default, the operating system on SN30-H is configured with a user snuser1 which has superuser privileges (i.e. can run sudo commands).
The post-install test of the system uses this user to run example applications.
For security reasons SambaNova recommends that you delete this user
after the test is completed.
You can then create your own users or configure the system
to use a company-wide LDAP server.