Install SambaTune

To use SambaTune, you must install two components:

  • Install the SambaTune package on the host that is connected to the SambaNova hardware.

  • Install the SambaTune GUI on a client system.

This document has instructions for installing the SambaTune package. Contact SambaNova customer support through the SambaNova support portal at for client install instructions.

Install SambaTune on the host

You install the SambaTune package from the Linux command line. Run this command to install the package:

  • For Ubuntu Linux:

    $ sudo apt install -y sambanova-sambatune
  • For Red Hat:

    $  sudo dnf install -y sambanova-sambatune

Note: It is recommended to check if the SambaFlow and SambaNova Runtime packages are installed on the machine before installing the sambanova-sambatune package.

Install the SambaTune GUI client

For release 1.16 of SambaTune, contact SambaNova customer support through the SambaNova support portal at for client install instructions.