SambaTune logs

SambaTune provides detailed logs at different levels for checking the high-level status, debugging errors, and reproducing substeps.

Locate the logs

Logs are in the /logs/ directory in your output directory, in .log format.

Understand the logs

Log Description


High-level status information for processing, compilation, execution, verification, and post-processing.


Debug-level information for reproducing specific steps using compilation or execution subcommands.


Fatal failure information for debugging purposes.


Recording of running messages.


Logs the elapsed time spent on different steps.



SUCCESS : Overall Run Status indicates it is a successful SambaTune run. SUCCESS : Has baseline pefs and SUCCESS : Execute compile instrumentation pefs tells users both baseline and instrumentation compilations are successful.

SUCCESS : Overall Run Status

SUCCESS : Save configuration file
      SUCCESS : Save Configuration File (0.007 sec)

SUCCESS : Process user input
      SUCCESS : Process User Input (-1.000 sec)

SUCCESS : Execute compile baseline pefs
      SUCCESS : Execute Compile sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net (-1.000 sec)

SUCCESS : Has baseline pefs
      SUCCESS : PEF (baseline) (-1.000 sec)

SUCCESS : Execute compile instrumentation pefs
      SUCCESS : Execute Compile sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_metapipe_buf_cycles (-1.000 sec)
      SUCCESS : Execute Compile sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_all_stage_cycles___include_read_stall_cycles (-1.000 sec)
      SUCCESS : Execute Compile sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_all_stage_cycles (-1.000 sec)

SUCCESS : Has instrumentation pefs
      SUCCESS : PEF (-1.000 sec)

SUCCESS : Runner
      SUCCESS : Compile App Baseline (-1.000 sec)
      SUCCESS : Compile App (-1.000 sec)

SUCCESS : Run test lists
      SUCCESS : Run snprof by lists (-1.000 sec)
      SUCCESS : Run benchmarking by lists (-1.000 sec)

SUCCESS : Execute
      SUCCESS : Execute Snconfig (4.668 sec)
      SUCCESS : Execute Snprof (-1.000 sec)

SUCCESS : Gather instr output
      SUCCESS : Gather instrumentation output for --stage-instrumentation=all_stage_cycles:5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_all_stage_cycles found at /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/perf_data/instr-count (None (-1.000 sec)
      SUCCESS : Gather instrumentation output for --stage-instrumentation=all_stage_cycles --include-read-stall-cycles:5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_all_stage_cycles___include_read_stall_cycles found at /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/perf_data/instr-count (stage latency (-1.000 sec)

SUCCESS : Gather instr data
      SUCCESS : Gather stage latencies (-1.000 sec)
      SUCCESS : Gather TLIR (-1.000 sec)



If you want to reproduce compilation, you can just rerun the commend under SUCCESS : Execute Compile …​. Similarly, if you would like to reproduce execution, you can rerun commdans under for example SUCCESS : Execute Snprof or SUCCESS : Execute pyinstrument.

SUCCESS : Save Configuration File (0.007 sec)
    Message: Save configuration file for this run at: /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/sambatune_gen/benchmark_instrument_linear_net_5_11_14_4_16

SUCCESS : Process User Input (-1.000 sec)

SUCCESS : Validate Arch (0.003 sec)

SUCCESS : Execute Snconfig (4.668 sec)
    Command: /usr/local/bin/python3 /opt/sambaflow/bin/snconfig show Node all -j /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/sambatune_gen/benchmark_instrument_linear_net_5_11_14_4_16/reports/snconfig

SUCCESS : Copy Compile Gen Folder (0.538 sec)

SUCCESS : Execute Compile sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net (-1.000 sec)
    Message: /usr/local/bin/python3 /opt/sambaflow/apps/micros/ compile --plot  --debug -v -b 1024 -mb 64 --in-features 5120 --out-features 512  --compiler-configs-file /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/sambatune_gen/benchmark_instrument_linear_net_5_11_14_4_16/test_lists/compiler_configs_5_11_14_4_16_linear_net.json --output-folder /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/apps/sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net/compile --pef-name sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net --arch sn20

SUCCESS : PEF (baseline) (-1.000 sec)

SUCCESS : Compile App Baseline (-1.000 sec)

SUCCESS : Copy Compile Gen Folder DUPLICATE (1.059 sec)

SUCCESS : Execute Compile sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_metapipe_buf_cycles (-1.000 sec)
    Message: /usr/local/bin/python3 /opt/sambaflow/apps/micros/ compile --plot  --debug -v  -b 1024 -mb 64 --in-features 5120 --out-features 512  --stage-instrumentation=metapipe_buf_cycles --gen-tensorboard --compiler-configs-file /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/sambatune_gen/benchmark_instrument_linear_net_5_11_14_4_16/test_lists/compiler_configs_5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_metapipe_buf_cycles.json --output-folder /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/apps/sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_metapipe_buf_cycles/compile --pef-name sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_metapipe_buf_cycles --arch sn20

SUCCESS : Copy Compile Gen Folder DUPLICATE (1.256 sec)

SUCCESS : Execute Compile sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_all_stage_cycles___include_read_stall_cycles (-1.000 sec)
    Message: /usr/local/bin/python3 /opt/sambaflow/apps/micros/ compile --plot  --debug -v  -b 1024 -mb 64 --in-features 5120 --out-features 512  --stage-instrumentation=all_stage_cycles --include-read-stall-cycles --gen-tensorboard --compiler-configs-file /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/sambatune_gen/benchmark_instrument_linear_net_5_11_14_4_16/test_lists/compiler_configs_5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_all_stage_cycles___include_read_stall_cycles.json --output-folder /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/apps/sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_all_stage_cycles___include_read_stall_cycles/compile --pef-name sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_all_stage_cycles___include_read_stall_cycles --arch sn20

SUCCESS : Copy Compile Gen Folder DUPLICATE (1.223 sec)

SUCCESS : Execute Compile sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_all_stage_cycles (-1.000 sec)
    Message: /usr/local/bin/python3 /opt/sambaflow/apps/micros/ compile --plot  --debug -v  -b 1024 -mb 64 --in-features 5120 --out-features 512  --stage-instrumentation=all_stage_cycles --gen-tensorboard --compiler-configs-file /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/sambatune_gen/benchmark_instrument_linear_net_5_11_14_4_16/test_lists/compiler_configs_5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_all_stage_cycles.json --output-folder /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/apps/sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_all_stage_cycles/compile --pef-name sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net___stage_instrumentation_all_stage_cycles --arch sn20

SUCCESS : Execute pyinstrument (-1.000 sec)
    Message: Run Cmd: /usr/local/bin/python3 -m pyinstrument --show-all --renderer=html --outfile /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/perf_data/pyinstrument/sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net_measure_performance_pyinstrument.html /opt/sambaflow/apps/micros/ measure-performance --num-iterations 100 -b 1024 -mb 64 --in-features 5120 --out-features 512  --pef=/<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/apps/sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net/compile/sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net/sn20__5_11_14_4_16_linear_net.pef



If an error occurred during compilation, you can find the command and stack trace in failures_debug.log.

FAILURE : Run 'baseline_perf' jobs (-1.000 sec)
    Command: python /opt/software/infra/python/ --skip-pef-gen --arch=ch --snrdu-opts="--perf" --artifact-root /<ARTIFACT_ROOT> --full-timeout /<ARTIFACT_ROOT>/test_lists/linear_baseline_perf.list --scandump
    Message: Error while running 'baseline_perf' jobs.
    Stack Trace:


11-May 14:04:20 - INFO - Starting Sambatune Run
11-May 14:04:20 - INFO - Saved file linear_net.yaml for app index 1
11-May 14:04:20 - INFO - SUCCESS: Save Configuration File
11-May 14:04:24 - INFO - SUCCESS: Process User Input
11-May 14:04:29 - INFO - SUCCESS: Validate Arch
11-May 14:04:29 - INFO - SUCCESS: Execute Snconfig


*** Elapsed Time of Events (Highest to Lowest) ***

4.668 sec - Execute Snconfig
1.256 sec - Copy Compile Gen Folder DUPLICATE
1.223 sec - Copy Compile Gen Folder DUPLICATE
1.059 sec - Copy Compile Gen Folder DUPLICATE
0.916 sec - Post Process
0.538 sec - Copy Compile Gen Folder
0.509 sec - Post Process - Instrumentation
0.217 sec - Post Process - DDR Counter
0.101 sec - Copy Instrumentation Data
0.042 sec - Build Overview Layer