Hello SambaFlow! Compile and run a model
Welcome! In this tutorial, you learn how to compile and run a logreg.py
example model. This Hello SambaFlow! example uses the classic machine learning problem of recognizing the hand-written digits in the MNIST dataset.
In this tutorial you:
Ensure that your environment is ready to compile and run models.
Compile the model to run on the RDU architecture. Compilation generates a PEF file.
Do a training run of the model, passing in the generated PEF file.
We discuss the code for this model in Examine logreg model code. |
Prepare your environment
To prepare your environment, you ensure that the SambaFlow package is installed.
Check your SambaFlow installation
You must have the sambaflow
package installed to run this example and any of the tutorial examples.
To check if the package is installed, run this command:
For Ubuntu Linux
$ dpkg -s sambaflow
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux
$ rpm -qi sambaflow
Examine the output and verify that the SambaFlow version that you are running matches the documentation you are using.
If you see a message that
is not installed, contact your system administrator.
Download the model code
Before you start, clone the SambaNova/tutorials GitHub repository, as instructed in the README.
After a SambaFlow upgrade, you might have to do a git pull again if your model no longer works.
Compile and run your first model
To compile and run your first model, you check supported options, prepare data, and then run scripts to compile and run logreg.
Look at supported options
Each example and each model has its own set of supported options, so it’s important to list them explicitly.
To see all arguments for the logreg
model, change to the directory you created earlier and look at the --help
$ cd $HOME/tutorials/logreg
$ python logreg.py --help
The output looks similar to the following, and shows that you can compile and run this model.
usage: logreg.py [-h] {compile,run,test,measure-performance} ...
positional arguments:
different modes of operation
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The test and measure-performance options are primarily used internally or when working with SambaNova Support.
You can drill down and run each command with --help
to see options at that level. For example, run the following command to see options for run
$ python logreg.py run --help
In most cases, using the defaults for the optional arguments is best. In Useful arguments for logreg.py we list a few commonly used arguments. |
Prepare data
This tutorial downloads train and test datasets from the internet, so there’s no separate step for preparing data.
If your system does not have access to the internet, download the data to a system that has access and make the files available. See Download model data (Optional).
Compile logreg
When you compile the model, the compiler generates a PEF file that is suitable for running on the RDU architecture. You later pass in that file when you do a training run.
Start in the
directory that you created in Create your own directory.$ cd $HOME/tutorials/logreg
Run the compilation step, passing in the name of the PEF file to be generated. You will later pass in that file when you do a training run.
$ python logreg.py compile --pef-name="logreg"
The compiler runs the model and displays progress messages and warnings on screen.
You can safely ignore all
messages. -
If a message says
warning samba
it might indicate a problem with your code. -
For some background, see SambaNova messages and logs.
When the command returns to the prompt, look for this output, shown toward the end:
Compilation succeeded for partition_X_X
shows you that compilation succeeded. -
Logs are generated in …
shows where the log files are located.
Verify that the PEF file was generated:
$ ls -lh ./out/logreg/logreg.pef
The generated PEF file contains all information that the system needs to do a training run of the model.
Start a logreg training run
When you do a training run, the application uploads the PEF file onto the chip and trains the model with the specified dataset. This example uses the MNIST dataset. The example code downloads the data set automatically.
If your system is disconnected from the Internet you have to manually download the dataset to a system with Internet access and copy the dataset to the system you are running the models on. See Download model data (Optional). |
Start a training run of the model with the PEF file that you generated. Use
to specify the number of epochs (default is 1).$ python $HOME/sambaflow-apps/starters/logreg/logreg.py run --num-epochs 2 --pef=out/logreg/logreg.pef
Even one epoch would be enough to train this simple model, but we use
to see if loss decreases in the second run. The run command:-
Downloads the model data.
Returns output that includes the following:
2023-01-25T15:14:06 : [INFO][LIB][1421606]: sn_create_session: PEF File: out/logreg/logreg.pef Log ID initialized to: [snuser1][python][1421606] at /var/log/sambaflow/runtime/sn.log Epoch [1/2], Step [10000/60000], Loss: 0.4634 Epoch [1/2], Step [20000/60000], Loss: 0.4085 Epoch [1/2], Step [30000/60000], Loss: 0.3860 Epoch [1/2], Step [40000/60000], Loss: 0.3702 Epoch [1/2], Step [50000/60000], Loss: 0.3633 Epoch [1/2], Step [60000/60000], Loss: 0.3555 Test Accuracy: 91.54 Loss: 0.3012 Epoch [2/2], Step [10000/60000], Loss: 0.2861 Epoch [2/2], Step [20000/60000], Loss: 0.3065 Epoch [2/2], Step [30000/60000], Loss: 0.3080 Epoch [2/2], Step [40000/60000], Loss: 0.3084 Epoch [2/2], Step [50000/60000], Loss: 0.3076 Epoch [2/2], Step [60000/60000], Loss: 0.3061 Test Accuracy: 91.54 Loss: 0.3001
Congratulations! You have run your first model on the SambaNova system! The output shows that the training run is successful and has a very low loss percentage, which decreases over time.
Useful arguments for logreg.py
Each of the example model commands has several arguments. In most cases, the default gives good results.
Arguments for compile
For a list of compile
arguments for use with logreg.py
, run this command:
$ python $HOME/tutorials/logreg/logreg.py compile --help
The command returns a full list of arguments. Here are some useful arguments:
— Name of the output file, which has the information for running the model on RDU. -
— Number of chips you want to use (from 1 to 8) and the number of tiles on the chip (1, 2, or 4). Default is 1 chip (4 tiles). -
— Number of input features (for this model the default is 784) -
— Number of output labels (for this model the default is 10)
Arguments for run
For a list of run
arguments for use with logreg.py
, run this command:
$ python $HOME/tutorials/logreg/logreg.py run --help
The command returns a full list of arguments. Here are some important arguments:
-p PEF
The only required argument. A PEF file that was the output from a compile. -
-b BATCH_SIZE, --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
— How many samples to put in one batch. -
— How many epochs to run with the model. -
— Input features and output classes for the model. -
— Learning rate parameter. Decimal fraction between 0 and 1.
Learn more!
See SambaNova messages and logs to understand what the messages to stdout mean.
See Use Python virtual environments to learn how to run models inside a Python virtual environment.
See Compilation, training, and inference for an intermediate tutorial that includes using checkpoints and running inference.
Find other tutorials in our SambaNova Tutorials public GitHub repo
. See Tutorials:GitHub and doc for an overview.
Download model data (Optional)
Only users without internet access perform this task. By default, the application code downloads model data. |
If you run the example on a system that is not connected to the internet, you have to download the model data from a connected system and copy the data to the system where you want to run the model.
On a connected system run:
$ mkdir -p /tmp/data/MNIST/raw $ cd /tmp/data/MNIST/raw $ wget http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz $ wget http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz $ wget http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz $ wget http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
Copy the four
files to the DataScale system and place them in the directory/tmp/data/MNIST/raw
. -
When you later use the
and therun
command, add the--data-folder=/tmp/data