SambaStudio documentation
The SambaNova SambaStudio documentation provides resources to become familiar with the platform, instructions for setup, and workflow examples.

Get started
The SambaStudio CLI setup describes how to install and setup the packages required to access the SambaStudio platform via the SambaNova API (snapi) command-line client.
Organizational management
Learn about SambaStudio’s structure, including users and tenants, and how to administer them for your organization. A user can be part of and assigned to multiple tenants. Organizations can leverage tenants for distinct purposes, such as development or production, and then share common resources across tenants.
Use SambaStudio
Learn how to use SambaStudio, by creating projects, adding datasets, run training jobs, deploy endpoints to generate predictions, or create a batch inference job to generate predictions on bulk data.
You can also explore the Playground. SambaStudio’s in-platform experience of generating predictions.
Composition of Experts
The Composition of Experts (CoE) architecture is a system of multiple experts, where each expert is a fully trained machine learning model. It offers a single API endpoint that enables the orchestration of these domain-specific experts across various fields.
AI Starter Kit example guides
SambaNova AI Starter Kits are a collection of examples and guides that facilitate the deployment of AI-driven use cases in the enterprise. To access the AI Starter Kits, including the associated documentation, please visit the AI Starter Kit repo on the SambaNova public GitHub using the following link: